AmbientREaLiTy-Last Mission (ambient_reality.s3m)
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************************** * project * * Ambient REaLiTy: * * * * -= Final Mission =- * * * * by GOnDaR of Jaydee * * /FTL! * ************************** ARABiC MusicDisk release finished 15.9.1996 at 1:55 song lenght:5.44 Best aerial technics in connection with Virtual Reality. Strictly secret experiment with new pilot system of the future. Weapons are more aimful and dangerous. But sometimes somewhere in superb system can be mistake... Greetings goes to: , _ Members of Vyhen & Jaydee, Hirosima,Sosak,Mutant,Donar Outcast,Mike,Jane,Maxisoft, Sade,Neptun,Bemik... and to my new friends on iNFiMa BBS !!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CZ-cast Wow, s tema "trensama" sem se nak rozjel ! Ale to je snad dobre, protoze uz me fakt nasralo, co se stalo z techna. Pri tom slove si lidi hned predstavej bum- bum-tralala. O.K. - techno is dead ? ==>> at zije trance !!! (nez ho zase sezere komerce). Proste chci svejma songama dokazat ,ze trance je styl prijemnej pro kazdyho, asi jako ja se hned neposeru z Beatlsaku (stihnu to na hajzl :)). Jo, jeden clovek to snad pochopil: Robert Miles. De na to dobre, manas ! Ale na me nema :) To tema ty hudby me napadlo pri sledovani filmu Finalni mise - vobcas fakt dobre renderovany ! Si to bezte pucit ! Po neplaceny reklame se s vama loucim... BYE GOnDaR P.S. hele, muzikanti, napiste ! Cenzneme samply, moduly,napady(tranceisti prednostne). chcete nakou moji hudbu ? nechte mejla...
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