T.L. Song 4: Event Horizon (tea_leoni_iv-event_horizon.s3m)
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- Bass Drum - Snare Drum - Major Chord Piano - Minor Chord Piano - Church Bass - Tekno Synth - Deep Very Low Drum - Mystic Church Bell - Shaky Snare Drum - ClOsEd Hihat - oPeNeD Hihat - Guitar Feedback - Wind Chimes - Birds - Welcome to My Mind 1993 - ^psychosonik-rev cymbal - Electric Guitar - PanFlute - LordsOacid- Touch Myself - LordsOacid- Feel Myself - LordsOacid- Great body.. - LordsOacid- Love TL body - LOA- Ultimate Seduction - Tea Leoni- Sleepover Bud - T.L.- Kick U n Delicates - Naked Truth Will Be Back - T.L.- He loves it alrite - Ash- You want some more? --------------------------- - Tea Leoni Songs Part IV - |----\ Event Horizon /----| --------------------------- - Ash is about 2 go where - - no man has gone before..- - into Tea's EventHorizon.- ----- how i envy ash! ----- - remix of black monk's - - ambiescence, letsgo and - -almitey's system shutdown- --------------------------- - by the Almighty One - --------------------------- - finished 2/18/96 7:25 m - --------------------------- Now this 1 was fun 2 make! Snare/Hihat/Ambient beats from ambiescense, bassbeat from letsgo, drumbeat from schup's Here it Comes, and rest from system shutdown tekno remix. Instruments ripped from other MODs, and voice smps i recorded from naked truth (thur 9:30 pm) sliver soundtrack (yummy),& psychosoniks welcome2mymind single (1993 Wax Trax). SUBLIMINAL BLACK MONKEYS! BLACK MONK IS SCARY! --------------------------- Join the Gillian Anderson Testosterone Brigade! --------------------------- Send Comments to Black Monk http://members.aol.com/ superproz/private/index.htm ---- SuperProz_AOL.Com ---- or me: hnguyen_uci.edu USE CUBIC v1.7+ or MOD4WIN
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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