Rekindled Hope - HM (rekindled_hope.s3m)
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Alright! My first mod is finished and ready for the real world! This release is extra special not only because it's my first one, but also cuz it got me accepted into AToMIC! Xtra big time thanx go to bObby. Without him, this release wouldn't be possible (I'd still be trying to get sams...). Also, thanx go to Jazzman, bacON, The Earth Gazer, Fearless Leader and The New Breed for their help and just for being in the greatest up and coming group in the world! Also, special thanx go to FC's Purple Motion and Skaven, my insperations. May they all be successful in the future n' stuff like that. Okay, well, enuff of the sentimental crap, on with the greets! Greets go out to bObby, Jazzman, The Earth Gazer, Origin Unknown, Persephone, Iris, Erika, Tammy, Chemical Tester. Actual Reality, bacON, everybody at bObby's World and The Sports Board (change the name!!!), and every man, woman and child that likes music. HABS ALL THE WAY IN '95! Had to add that! :) That's it! See you all in my next release with A T o M I C Here's where you can call to get other AToMIC releases first: AToMIC WHQ: bObby's World 14.4 modem Dedicated to aiding new composers (4i6)740-9071 4i6 HQ and main dist site: The Sports Board 28.8 Zoom tele-- 1000+ mods! Gigs of HD space! (4i6)588-7815 l8z all! Hypnotic Melody - AToMIC
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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