Dance Like A Fool - by ZiNC (dance_like_a_fool.s3m)
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iii ii iii ii iii ii iii ii O) = -^- =^= (o) |||| [ 05 . 31 . 95 ] ZiNC Presents: "Dance Like A Fool" This S3M is one of my best as for creativity... and happiness content... Dedicated to my dad who is in Arizona right now.. grr. Oh well... \ |=.= / E-Mail: | O) | Greetings: Acidfrog, Onyx, Raptor, XenoN, Necros, DJ Moses, Oxide, Nitride, Lithium Yakko, DJ YoYo, Jake Blues, SpEc, Pelican... Can't think of anyone else, but leave me E-Mail about this s3m and I'll greet U. If you let this song loop, you'll hear a bonus pattern just before it restarts... But just remember it's not part of the song itself! Play this song in MONO! Oh yeah, one important note I forgot to mention, this was SUPPOSED to be my entry to MC3 but they never got back to me when i sent in my application... grr...
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