Air0 Rave (air0_rave.s3m)
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The Good StuffSummary
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.._-A I R 0 R A V E -_.. by C.H.A.N.E.L.5. of JESKOLA ! PRODUCTIONS HiRMU FriendShip College --------------------------- No MORE FLP !!!!! I LOVE F R E E D O M !!!!! --------------------------- Oversized CH-tenkotune with my own samples !! --------------------------- Perjantaina perkele joutuu vetää namaan kotivinkkua !! HYI saatana !!!! no onnex on puolikaz "lillan Green LIME " !!!!! --------------------------- gREeztsit: πnis-DAMmE- FC-SineWave-J!P-HiRMU-FLP- ALKO-WOSUT at VAAJAKOSKI- norodick lain- --------------------------- LISTEN WITH DMP !!!, vaikka se lopussaKuseePorta2Tonet --------------------------- Support me and my music with your money(or Alcohol) Send them to : Chanel5 studios Linnankuja 5 40800 Vaajakoski Finland --------------------------- Over 50% of samples by: CHanel5 , used Sinewaves mankkaa & Adv.DigiPlay3 --------------------------- (c) Chanel5 /J!P /HiRMU
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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