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Ibanez+MultiTap.Bass.Low Ibanez+MultiTap.Bass.High Ibanez+MultiTap.3.Low Ibanez+MultiTap.3.High Ibanez+MultiTap.Solo.Low Ibanez+MultiTap.Solo.High Ibanez+MultiTap.Bb-5maj7 Ibanez+MultiTap.Esus4 Canvas.GrandPiano.Low Canvas.GrandPiano.Medium Canvas.GrandPiano.High S T R E A M I N G by Breeze/Capacala hey, I'm no guitar player, so if this sounds weird, say something. suits our demo's end bet- ter than the strange harp and pizzicato thingy. at least if Flying Through The Moss is the main tune. Playing time: 1:47 (loop) All samples by me from my Roland Sound Canvas and from Spay's Ibanez Super 70's through a Digitech DSP16 effect processor. hey! only 1h used to make this tune! hih... sb
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