Afraid of the Dark (afraid_of_the_dark.s3m)
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+-=[ Phurion/Neophyte ]=-+ +-=[(c)1995 E.J. James]=-+ "Afraid of the Dark" 16 tracks: 2m:30s Composed in ST 3.21 Greets go out to: Malakai, Daedalus, Atlantic Ms_Saigon, Claim, SHRiKE Zapper & All in Force Ten Skaven & All in Future Crew Leviathan, Necros, and WAY too damn many others who were "instrumental" in the acquisition of the samples included in this piece =) Not to mention...all those other hard core Tracker Gods who frequent #trax on irc. Till the next time... Latez! email to: Released as part of the Neophyte "Legacy" Disk.
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