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Misadventurous - Techno Mix (misadventurous_-_techno_mix.s3m)

Info Summary

  • misadventurous_-_techno_mix.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 165.92KB in size and has been downloaded 316 times since Mon 13th Sep 2004 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 73136
  • Downloads: 316
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 06538ad8d9f00ba781d4cacf66938ea4
  • Format: S3M
  • Channels: 8
  • Uncompressed Size: 165.92KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License


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  • Member Rating: rating (Unrated)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Info Internal Texts *

Misadventurous-Techno Remix
    by Liam the lemming

This is a special remix of
one of my modules which I
just did one night when I
was bored. Hardly the stuff
of The Prodigy or Capella,
but good enough to dance to
at least.
Well, I think so anyway. :)

Don't forget to download
some of my other modules...
The Vibe
Dangerous Ground
Yammah's Crisis
Fighting Fit

Happy listening!

           Liam the lemming

PS Thanks must go to all
those whose modules I've
ripped samples from. While
I'm on the subject, I'd
like to make a heartfelt
plea to all sample makers
out there with decent
sampling equipment...

Don't take it as some kind
of rip-off or invasion of
privacy when you find your
samples turning up in
someone else's modules!
Consider it a compliment -
after all, if it's being
used by someone else, they
obviously LIKE it, ie IT

So don't get uptight when
people use your samples!
Cos us poor composers who
have no sampling equipment
would be left high and dry
if it weren't for you lot
creating so many wonderful
new samples for us to write
more modules with! We have
to get them from somewhere,
don't we? :-)

Anyway, cheers to the peeps
who wrote the following
modules cos I ripped at
least one sample out of
each of them...

Beyond Music
Banana Split
F_!k Your Sampler!
Forgotten Past
Theme from FC's Panic demo
Now What 3
We're The Devils
Theme from Project X
...and all the ones I made
mention of in ADVENTUR.S3M.

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
