The Summer Princess (the_summer_princess.s3m)
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The Summer Princess Mysterium (C) 1996, Nebula This is my first attempt a melodical tune, hope you like it! =) The transition between Spring and Summer, An ordeal of true beauty, Based on the emotions of people and nature, It brings forth the hidde love within us As we prepare for the rip months of the summer And watch the fruits of Spring's toils thrive We wonder how such majest transpires And we realize that the Summer Princess, A token of all that is go ideal and caring Allows for us to understa that life without her A life without summer is a dull existence A life cycle still in the infant stages Which is not allowed to mature Into the magnificent form for which destiny call --"The Summer Princess"-- by: Mysterium n e b u l a homepage: e-mail: e-mail me: Check out some of my material on the music CDs by Nebula! It's only $8.99 =) Feel free to e-mail me, I love e-mail. My homepage is mysterium
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