TecHno on dA floOR! (techno_on_da_floor.s3m)
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·■≡ SPiKE ≡■· O F ·■≡ MeMBeRS oF MaYDaY ≡■· P R E S E N T S " TecHnO on dA floOR! " --------------------------- ThiZ isn'T a o8/15 reLeasE ... i neEDEd 4 houRs 2 maKe thIz eArblAstinG tEchNO-tuNE!! ;) other High-quality pRoduCtionS will follow!! Ok... If u'Re a MusiCan, CoDER or ansi-ArtiSt , joIn uS!!! ContAct me oN ouR wHq : LoTUS SoUND BBS +49 40 555 1813 HAmBurG/germANY Or wrIte me a MsG iN 1 of oUR distROs.... reaD "REAL.TXT" 4 morE inFos!!! The GrEETZ arE flyIng 2: MoM : STaRFoX , HighTowER , E6o5 HBE : AVaLanCE (coOL muSICaN!!) MEL°D ( meld Dich mal!) MAsTErbeAT(make more tekk- tunES!!) BLaDE CE : MesCaLum (HAvE U connecTioN proBS?!?!) CyStor (harDtraNcE rulEZ) oTherS .. : KEiTH.303, aLL RR membAs , SoniC ( NO PIZZA!!! ), aLL ravERs and EveryboDy i'VE 4gottEN !!! The creDZ: LooK at the sAmplE nAmES! SpeeCh ripped from MayDay -CD , Nr.4 [Q-TeX] hmmm... thAtz all I thIng.. OK... HaVe a goOD timE l8Er DuDeZ ... ·■≡ SPiKE ≡■· P.S.: DonT usE cuBic plAyER 2 plaY thIz tuNe... I doNt knOw why, but CubiC can't plAy the SampLE OffSeT - ParamEter... JusT use ScreAm TrackEr 3.2 or InerTia 1.2!!! IplAy 1.21 also suXxX!!!
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