Unknown Grounds (unknown_grounds.s3m)
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╔·═∙═■═∙═·═·∙■∙·═·═∙═■═∙═·╗ Nino/Realities Presents «Unknown Grounds» DataKraft Realities 1996 ╚·═∙═■═∙═·═·∙■∙·═·═∙═■═∙═·╝ ╔·═∙═■═∙═·═·∙■∙·═·═∙═■═∙═·╗ This is my contribution to the Assembly '96 multichannel compo. This is also my first contribution ever so I hope you like it. 100% of samples by me. Big thanx to Tapsah for letting me use his computer to take the samples for this song. ╚·═∙═■═∙═·═·∙■∙·═·═∙═■═∙═·╝ ╔·═∙═■═∙═·═·∙■∙·═·═∙═■═∙═·╗ Greets go to da following Tapsah/Affection Mato/Splat Fugitive/Splat Sage/Splat and of to all the ppl in the Assembly'96. ╚·═∙═■═∙═·═·∙■∙·═·═∙═■═∙═·╝ ╔·═∙═■═∙═·═·∙■∙·═·═∙═■═∙═·╗ ·∙■Info Box■∙· Name: Unknown Grounds Type: Orchestral Length: 2 mins 55 secs Size: 833 790 kbytes Channels used: 16 Instruments used: 47 Best playing environment: Soundblaster 16/16Asp Stereo Surround Finished on: 12.8.1996 Inspiration from: Waterworld, Earth2 and The Rock. Composed for: Assembly'96 ╚·═∙═■═∙═·═·∙■∙·═·═∙═■═∙═·╝ ╔·═∙═■═∙═·═·∙■∙·═·═∙═■═∙═·╗ Check out our WWW-pages at http://www.megabaud.fi/ ~savior/data.html ╚·═∙═■═∙═·═·∙■∙·═·═∙═■═∙═·╝ Ok, buddy. Let's get this straigth. This is MY trashcan. So get out of here!
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