-+= MetropoliS =+- (metropolis.s3m)
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TechBD.*JAM* Gated Bass techhat.closed Voyage BrassChord.Sus4 BrassChord.Major BrassChord.Minor Resonatix SnHh.2 Synth Clap Techno Sndfx ZeqWaveSynth.P1 -> ZeqWaveSynth.P2 --> ZeqWaveSynth.P3 ---> ZeqWaveSynth.P4 ----> ZeqWaveSynth.P5 -----> ZeqWaveSynth.P6 ------> ZeqWaveSynth.P7 -------> ZeqWaveSynth.P8 --------> lead --------------------------- Metropolis by pinion --------------------------- This is named after on of my favorite Orange County clubs. I got back from there one night and decided to write a tune. The name just seemed fitting, ok? (c) acid productions '95
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A fast-paced module with a futuristic sound. Quite a good tune overall.