-■( Start The Dance )■- (start_the_dance.s3m)
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- Start The Dance - by Jazz / Diffusion & Persuasive Music 25.01.1995 Yes... This is very short and simple.. But since I cant really make this song work in FT2, then why not release it ?? It moves OK.. So whatahell. It was made in 25 minutes .. Who cares ?? Sample nr. 4,8,9,14 & 15 is made by me.. The rest is stolen.. Thanx mates! (Cant remember their names) For any reason write to : - Persuasive Music - Christian Steen Jensen Badstuestraede 9 1. tv 1209 Copenhagen K Denmark or call me at +45 33133211 or +45 33117191 or email me at rvc_vision.auc.dk or at these nets : DGI : 68:450/12 CMNet : 10:450/2 Fido : 2:236/423.3
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