2nd Reality <Skaven> (2nd_reality.s3m)
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An outstanding composition by Skaven, truly feels like a soundtrack from a big budget movie, great progression unforgettable melodies.
Epic track by Skaven ! You don't see often tracks of that caliber, so get it fast if you don't have it !
As far as 1993 demoscene production soundtracks go, this was (and probably still is), the very definition of "epic". Best end-scroller music ever. :)
This theatrical track is a pure jewel! It deserves as much recognition as the part by Purple Motion for this demo.
When is comes to FC, I can't get enough. I remember putting this song from Skaven on repeat as I went to bed at night. The 1st part has a great movie feel to it and the 2nd part feels like it should be played by the Royal Philharmonic.
I remember that wonderful "Second Reality", with a superior Skaven!
Intromusic for the coolest demo ever made? Maybe a bit nostalgia ... but there's an symphonic element in this tune that's totally awesome! Among my early 90s favorites.
Internal Texts *
HiStrings.HiQual(Marcato) Noisy StringBass (Mixed) Big Cymbal Hit (Mixed) Blipp (looped) SonixLead KettleDrum.5.Traditional StarShip.1.Rumble StarShip.2.Tubular StarShip.3.Horny (&String HallDrum.Tromp (Reverbed) MarchSnare.Short Mass Orchestra.Brass Solobrass 5.loop BigPizzicato.2.Warm StarShip.1.Rumble($) StarShip.2.Tubular($) StarShip.3.Horny($) HallDrum.Tromp (Reverbed$ Big Cymbal Hit$ Praxis HyperSpace Swoosh( Praxis HyperSpace Swoosh Praxis HyperSpace Blast Second Reality Intro and Ending composed by Skaven / Future Crew <1994>
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Epic, energetic composition -- very atmospheric. Fairly wide range of samples. Makes me want to go out on an adventure!