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Song Of The Lush Forests (song_of_the_lush_forests.s3m)

Info Summary

  • song_of_the_lush_forests.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 209.37KB in size and has been downloaded 233 times since Fri 6th Jan 2006 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 74705
  • Downloads: 233
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 745e5c912d750d4f65cb05231d7d77d1
  • Format: S3M
  • Channels: 11
  • Uncompressed Size: 209.37KB
  • Genre: n/a

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Info Internal Texts *

Strings 3

 "Song Of The Lush Forests"

          Made By
    Zaigamor Spellweaver

My humble self greets thee!
What a pleasure to meet you
all again... I really hope
you folks like this song.

This song was inspired by
the lushness of the forests
in midsummer. How I already
long for the summer, it's
deadcold outside when I
made this song...

I use the word "song" be-
cause this S3M also has a
text. You have to sing
along with the oboe start-
ing with order 10/pattern 7
It goes like this:
"Duhm-A Si / Lanowar Di
 Kuhm-Pa-Hee Di Kuhm-Pa-Hee
 Al..Al-A-Mi-Na Soh-Ki-Dee
 Ki-Dee, Ki-Dee No-A-Mish"
It ends in order 12/ptrn 10
The text is Elven meaning:
-Duhma si : Oh Great One
-Lanowar Di : God of Elves
-Kuhmpahee Di Kumpahee :
  Give us much strength
-Alamina Sohkidee : Let us
  live in peace and harmony
-Kidee Noamish : In the
  lush forests...

Nice, isn't it?

If you have any comments
about my music: get a modem
get an internet-connection
and MAIL ME! My address is
That's at my school, I do
check my mailbox quite
often. So don't hesitate...

Another thing: this song
was made when made last
song wasn't even released!!
I just had so much inspi-
ration in one week. It's
unbelievable. And I must
really thank Magic Hands
for that and Galeb Duhr and
Airmania and Mr. Merde and
Prism/EMF (for mailing me)
and Magic Hands and so on..
Words just flow out of my
keyboard right now. I could
type away endlessly like
this. Why do I do this?!
What's the meaning of life
anyway? Why do hamburgers
taste so good? Why does my
mouse has three buttons?
WhyWhyWhyWhy? I dunno...but
if you know the answer to
these questions, you may
e-mail may: address above.

This song loops! I just no-
ticed that. I always listen
to my songs when typing
these texts. It sorta gives
me inspiration for these
texts. O btw the song is
3.19 mins. Just for the fun
of knowing it....:∙)

Hmm, BURP! Hahahaha, I am
going craaaaeaeaezy! Hahaha
Also a HELLO to all the
"people" on lollapalooza
who know me as: TorWauki,
Shrink, Splash or Babyface.

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
