warhawk (warhawk.mod)
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by: aquafresh (c)'95. 8/5/95 (sunny day!) samples: yamaha tg300 chords: jogier l. and from a sample cd. (c) 1995 (v2 23/6/95) this is -my- style of conversion, and not like dreamfish & his cool method of convs. hehe. c64 demo scene still lives!!!!!!!!! email- 'simon_simjohn .demon.co.uk' or snail mail me - 18 crofters meadow, basingstoke rg24 8rx, united kingdom. hi 2 vim,jozz,gandbox style,dreamfish,tango tal,hollywood and the rest.... hehehe..
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Wow! I'm litterally reviewing myself!
"warhawk" by aquafresh is a mix of the C64 game tune with the same name. aquafresh uses some vibrato on the lead which makes it sound more modern. Although the lead sound is chip, the rest of the tune isn't.
As a remix I guess this tune is okay. As a stand alone tune I'm not so sure. I've never really liked the warhawk theme. I like the old school sound of this tune and the relaxed feeling, though.