pianopub1.1 (pianopub1_1.mod)
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android / talent < samples by nuke,focus and others.. to mace: filippetto a nd case (all of zenit h) liked this mod ; a nd you ? also this wa s done in a very hurr y (in fact it's a lit tle short); but what can i do, if my mothe r close my amiga-room when i must study ? nothing, i think, exc ept to study,and to c ompose during weekend or when i've some hol iday !(not too times) to all: i think you k now my slogan,it is ? no ? it song like : tekno fuck,melody run friendship fun if you're in accord ( maj,min..) with it,th en write me : salvatore di fede v.fil.di giovanni 103 90146 palermo yours modules,or norm al swap. bye to all .
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