Forrest Gump (forrest_gump.mod)
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I'd like to dedicate my very first "real" module to all the people who loved the film as I did... And especially to Logixs, Grypas, Guybrush, and all my very good friends I meet every day on #TheEnd... Samples stolen from : AgonyIntro, ToyBox, Nymph, GComp and FaceAnotherDay. Thanx to their authors for these AWESOME sounds! Anti-Greetings go to U4ia (as usual)... As I do love this song, I'd like to dedicate my work to all the girls I loved in my life... Virginie, Magali, Solange, Sandrine, Carole and Sophie... I miss you all... ACH/END 27.7.95/03:00
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