hardcore-trans-rave (hardcore-trans-rave.mod)
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Diz RAve and Defek OutraGeouS MusiQue Is Done By ColOr.z anD ANAl IntRuder! 'n BoTh Members of M·A·G·I·C·I·A·N·S· THEse saMples WeRE DonE By Those GuYs FoR a VerY PriVate StUdiO. Located In RenNes and It's Da ·C·R·O·U·S· DO NoT Forget to Vote fOr Your FAvorite Onez Becoz We Do It 4 U All, Bunch of Pals By the Way, dO not LeavE 4 lAteR WhaT You CaN dO Da SamE daY! got It? GreET voLViK The mOUjiIK conSTip dA BasTArd KiwI The SAlopETte GontrANd dA LimAcE okaY EnouGH SaiD 4 NoW. iF YoU WanT 2 ContACT us, U muST 4geT abOUt It BcoZ wE Are ToO BusY tO ComPOsE What You'R LisTEniNG 2. CuL8r
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