Lounge drive <4:28> (lounge.xm)
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by PeDRo/CBR ...a drum 'n' bass contamination... (c) 1997 by CBR All rights reseved. Send feedback to cbr_pn.itnet.it Visit our brand new window on the web: www.cbr.avnet.it CBR owns copyright on this track;this means that the present song cannot be spread by any means different from computer media, nor can any part of it be altered without our previous consense For any info mail us at cbr_pn.itnet.it JOGEIR.angelflute PEDRO.metalhdz.phase PEDRO.morcheeba.mello PEDRO.breath PEDRO.towatei.lounge GUSPATCH.808hhc GUSPATCH.808hho UNKNOWN.strings PEDRO.metalhdz.bd1 PEDRO.metalhdz.sd1 PEDRO.metalhdz.wheel TRUXX.bassdrum PEDRO.saturnino.sdrum PEDRO.akai-sg01.cbass1 PEDRO.akai-sg01.cbass2 PEDRO.rolandD50.chord PEDRO.metalhdz.bd2 PEDRO.metalhdz.sdscrap PEDRO.metalhdz.sd2 PEDRO.metalhdz.irontom 8-bit version JOGEIR.angelflute PEDRO.metalhdz.phase PEDRO.morcheeba.mellow PEDRO.mybreath PEDRO.towatei.lounge 808hho 808hhc UNKNOWN.strings PEDRO.meatlhdz.bd1 PEDRO.metalhdz.sd1 PEDRO.metalhdz.wheel TRUXX.bassdrum PEDRO.saturnino.snare PEDRO.Akai.SG01 PEDRO.Akai.SG01 PEDRO.rolandD50 PEDRO.metalhdz.bd2 PEDRO.metalhdz.scrap PEDRO.metalhdz.sd2 PEDRO.metalhdz.irontom
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
One of my favorite mods ever, first downloaded in '97 or '98.
Very very mellow drum & bass track, making heavy use of theremin samples that give it a very chill ethereal sort of feel. Think Portishead does D&B.