fulltime idiot (fulltime_idiot.mod)
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The Good StuffSummary
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yeeees!!! this little bit weird tune was composed by.......... >-->chipper/grace<--< hi to rocky/addonic!! sorry for delays..... note: i've moved,so check out my new add- ress!!! it is........ chipper of grace (pasi seppala) karsikkotie 1 c 50 40340 jkl finland i've got no phone at the moment,but i will get it !!!! so try to write me,pleeze...mu- sicians welcome...by the way,grace sf need a cool gfx-wizard and swapper(s) and ofcoz cool coder is welcome too...and remember... friendship is a rule! thanks to: grendel & merit of (b) for the mindblasting party!!!
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This sounds unique, doesn't it? Not that much the melody, but what happens in the background... this chilling metal sound! A nice song for the calm playlist.