The Pickle Jar (
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The Pickle Jar by LabHair ( _________________________ Yes, the pickle jar. More and more women seem to be opening their own pickle jars. They do not realize that we men derive great satisfaction from saving their day. Women: never open your own pickle jars. The worst that can happen is that your man cannot open it himself. In this case Murphy's Law will allow you to easily open it immediately after, at which time your man will say, "I loosened it for you." After having this discussion with my girl- friend I was in just the right mood to finally finish this song. The dedication, therefore, again goes to my lovable wuvable Heather. Thanks dear! _________________________ guitarlow.myth guitarmid.myth guitarhigh.myth hihat(loop).acumen hihat smack hit drumloop.acumen drum/hihat scratch.cirrus/labhair bassdrum.acumen cymbolsweep.maz oceanchord.labhair guitar.chacra/labhair hihat Hit snaredrum bassdrum drumloop softcrash.labhair accent1.labhair accent2.labhair loopleft.labhair loopright.labhair wyrd.labhair bass.labhair loopedbass Apologies to those sample makers whose names got lost somewhere along the line.
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