Rise Above (lh-rise.it)
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_______Rise_Above________ by LabHair _________________________ _----labhair_uniserve.com ICQ---------------1878017 _________________________ Comments: Inspired by Dimitri From Paris' famous song "Une Very Stylish Fille," I have created a minimalist masterpiece. Sorry, Plasm, but my beat is simple. I listened to Anticlimax again for inspiration, but it didn't work for this song ... next time, though, my rhythm will rise to match your standards :) Thanks for all the crit- icism you've provided for me lately; I love you man! Look forward to a song currently being produced cooperatively by Nexus6 and myself. He's a good man, I tell ya! I miss you, Heather! Come back from New York! (She's on a field-trip.) I'm not sure if the first three samples are public domain or not. (If the musicians and composer have been dead for fifty years then it has no copyright.) In any case, I'm sure nobody's gonna harp at me for stealing them, as it's just a recording from an extremely old record on an extremely old phonograph. Remind me next time to write the comments in the information field (shift- f9 in Impulse Tracker). Later, folks! _________________________ phonograph.unknown phonoend.unknown phonofinale.unknown bd.unknown hh.unknown snare.labhair snare.unknown bass.labhair metalbell.keyboard rattle.keyboard slideup.thewavplace slidedown.thewavplace phonodistort.labhair riseabove.publicdomain wemustdoit.publicdomain americanarmy.publicdomain
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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