basketball (basketball.mod)
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to the hoop ya put it in there. basketball is my favourite sport... i like the way they dribble up and down the court... like i'm the king of the microphone - so is dr.j and moses malone... in yo' face... to the hoooop a tribute to baaaaaaaaaasket baaaaaaaaaaaall ......dr.awesome.....
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This is a strange one. The voices are sampled from the song "Basketball" by Kurtis Blow and follows a similar-ish structure, more like a remix. However, this exact MOD is different from the one I heard before.
The Crusaders released a musicdisk called Bass-o-Matic which featured a MOD called "Basketball" but is different from this one. It is considerably better due to its higher quality samples and overall composition. I've looked on the archive and it does not seem to be here... maybe I'll upload it as its public domain at this point.
I'm not sure where this one came from but looking at Dr. Awesome's list of modules, I found one called and This one is the "long" version with the ironic thing being that this version is actually shorter in length than the one on the musicdisk.
One last thought, I noticed on the Youtube recording of the musicdisk "Bass-o-Matic", the song is called Bass Ketball but I remember it being "Basketball" when I emulated it. Unfortunately I cannot investigate right now as my Amiga emulator stopped working after an update and my real Amiga 500+ needs some work before I can get it up and running. Maybe someone will be able to comment on that.
In conclusion, probably not the best MOD you'll hear but at least it's got an interesting back-story and in the end it's all a bit of fun.