just for blues (just_for_blues.mod)
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Excellent use of samples and speed commands to get a groovy swing into it. Not often seen as effective as this in a tracker format!
Such a lovely track from the start to the end has a lovely feel overall,and the main leads do a nice job with in the track well worth a listen .
Very well tracked acoustic blues track. I like the guitar line.
Very nice piece of blues music. Well done!
This song was sort of a revelation for me. The pattern speed play, that swing feel... Untill then I was making swing parts by adjusting pattern lenght to be dividable by 3 in some way, then adjust tempo to match song speed... Only afther this mod I understood that i was complete idiot :) From that day on I could 'swing in' anything I wanted, even the old patterns, I could change amount of 'swingyness', and everything would remain in correct tempo and time signature... What can I say, I was stupid kid, and Thank you Juha for opening my eyes! :)
After fifteen years of composing music I still donĀ“t know how that dizzy guy was able to put exactly that tune into a 4 channel protracker mod. Saw the patterns. Instruments are awesome, Note picks are awsome, the play with the song speed is awesome and even the sound is awesome although you might expect something different from 8 Bit samples. :)
I really like this one. Great melodies. Awesome acoustic guitar. Very full for a four channel mod. It sounds like Al Di Meola or somebody like that. Nice bass. The organ is pretty good, too. Most definitely recommended. 9+
Internal Texts *
composed by - juha kujanpaa marjamaentie 10 60510 hyllykallio finland carillon and 11 notes
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Superb work! The guitar (or is it a ukulele?) sample here is amazingly clear, which is a nice change of pace from many other tracks here. There's an airy feel to it, which I adore!
This is one of my favourites - good job!