poke's band (pokes_band.mod)
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!!danthalian/my$tery! %^&^%1996-01-29%^&^%^ this little chippy is totally free !!!!!!!! if you want, use it in your production... but don't forget to write my handle in the credits-part !!! by the way : if you want a cool music for your production (demo pack or intro...) try this adress : !!danthalian/my$tery! !krzysztof odachowski !ofiar oswiecimskich! 23/8, 58-105 swidnica ...(also for swap !) ...but remember : no aga ! musicians prefered, but everybody get answer! (except lamers...) greetz fly to : ma0, kysy,cosa,delek,coval skee,hangman,krueger, hires,zajc,serek,p.p. m.k.,and all amiga- users in my lovely town !(c)1996 mystery
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