party sux. (party_sux.mod)
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The Good StuffSummary
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orginaly composed by: `dreamer / nah-k0l0r` alias wojciech cejrowski wiadomosc dla wszyst- kich ekstendowcow: niet sekwencji, niet konwersyj, niet "rypania". -kochany dreamerek dedikatet 2: all nah-k0l0rs$. 4 not getting answer write: komandorska street 8 62510 konin city poland ofcoz. almost all samples by me! przychodzi mucha do baru: -kupa raz! -co? -gowno! hahahahahahahahahahah -sekwencja kawalowa- - by dreamer -
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This song kicks arse. Seriously. This is so unusual and fiercely funny its just worth having a listen for novely's sake. Ok - so it sounds a bit like a hillbilly country tune, but that's not such a bad thing in the context this is composed :) (I hate country music, by the way).
The samples used in this make it quite hard to hear that it's just a 4 channel module. Hats off to the composer, this put a smile on my face :D Manneumenum!