long 4-gotten times (long_4-gotten_times.mod)
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this tune was done by eager beager / savage in march'94. becoz of technical (amiga&monitor fucked up) and pirvate probs a very long time has passed until this sfx was finally released. a big excuse go 2 all my contacts who had 2 wait for an anwser. greetz go cr8y and mg (nice meeting!!), agy (sorry 4 giga delay!) donk&reval/pulse(kewl pack! wie geht's den treumen vom modem?), victim (any new svg- releases?) and all other savages (toll, dass man soviel von euch mitkriegt :-( ). finally margit s. aus unterunterach:du bist die duemmste schlampe die mir jemals begeg- net ist. aber irgend- wann raeche ich mich fuer die verkorgste zeit! stupid bitch !!
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