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The Good StuffSummary
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_####### dasse ###### _##### of ##### _####### d.h.s ###### _####### 1994 ###### all dhs members, xela , tito, ph0/\/er, flt digital illusions, jo han in arboga, alf, h arakiri, edwin,toodel oo, and all spectrum and c64:a fans all ov er the world...if som ebody has the orginal games> manic miner or jet set willy 1 and 2 on c64 or amiga, plea se call 0221/12785 or if u have a modem cal l: 0221/11611 24hours twin peaks is the nam e.................... from us all to you al l, i will say... buy manic miner..... _######## c u #######
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