0rAL eXtaZe (0ral_extaze.mod)
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tHEy hAve STRUCK aGaIn * * tHe iMMorTalS * * tUnE bY: **dIrtY aPemAN / iTS** whiZ zUmE SERIOUS heLp fROm **alMigHtY b0b** (gUeSt v0cALs/iDeAs) and **zArQuON** (cHoIr aND vaFFelKak) wE aRe deEplY s0rRy iF yoUr Neural Network(c) WiLL bEc0mE sEriOUSly deMenTeD tHe f0rTh- c0miNG mInuTeZ. lEInAD? bARF. bY tHe wAy::::::::: n0 iMpoRtanT aNimaLS weRe haRmeD duRinG thIs pr0dUctiON zAnK y0u for yOur TIme wE aRe s00n kicKinG baCk wiTh otHer pr0dS! "samples from my korg" yeAH, riGHt. hAR DU sHUTTu??????
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