in-no-sense2!-fz (in-no-sense2-fz.mod)
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feekzoid 25/7/96 reworked this mod on muh birthday..... still dont like the piano at the start... not a bad mod tho... just a cool chipper! usual greets to all.. #kenz the fridge... #bod,shamsai,bonzo, etc etc.... :p cant be bothered # writing any more.... #jeez this mod is #insane... no sense! #heh. makes a change! #if you have any #advice to give me #about this mod.... #you can fuck off..:) #sorry.. im hyper at #the mo... *grins* #must be something 2 #do with those 6 empt #bottles of pepsimax! #anyway im going to #bed, okay? #heh. youll love the #end not.... those last few lines were writ 2 years ago
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