flight over venus (flight_over_venus.mod)
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Posted by BtMe on Wed 25th Feb 2009, rated 2 / 10.
I can hear why this flight would be cancled samples out of tune no real feel to the track,not to long a track @1:27 just as well.....
I can hear why this flight would be cancled samples out of tune no real feel to the track,not to long a track @1:27 just as well.....
Posted by Arne Puszelski on Tue 24th Feb 2009, rated 1 / 10.
Yes, this song is a flight - but not over venus even more a flight into the trashcan! It´s very poor! Very crappy samples. I don´t like it!
Yes, this song is a flight - but not over venus even more a flight into the trashcan! It´s very poor! Very crappy samples. I don´t like it!
Internal Texts *
#foxx/panic Multi.M1 Sax.M1 ls.Laser-zap1 klf.bdrumseq1 klf.sdrumseq1 klf.bdrumseq2 klf.sdrumseq2
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Euwww. This sounds ugly. I remember it required a special player version. But this is by far the worst song I did.