cautious steps (
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Tough Sid.lead Xylitol-5ths Constructor.BD1 Constructor.BD2 Constructor.HH1 Constructor.HH2 CrashCymbal Jimi-5thChord Jimi-Chug Jimi-Chuga Jimi-Hard2 Jimi-NoteLo Jimi-NoteHi1 Jimi-NoteHi2 Jimi-Squeal1 Jimi-Squeal2 FretSlide.2 FretSlide.1 PowerRock.blast SynTom.tough PetraSnr (3) Sear.lead <SF> Sear.5ths <SF> Title: cautious steps Time: 3:05 by: Mr.D of: fLANGe`98 very detailed shit this.. most samples i think from skaven and necros. um basically another 3 in 1 package, 3 songs straight one after the other made into one song. just really showing off what styles i like trakin and soforth. greetings to: onion slayer waste (ya grouch) tribal any amazonians all ye who like this tune as much as i do still. =] [mrd^flg`98] ...enjoy =]
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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