thy lord of danzig (thy_lord_of_danzig.mod)
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virrevirrevapped by: froodeydoodlesdafrod frogmasterfrisperzfuz fantasticfiberfeber fussballfritzfratzfar furifox also known as grimlock of nogroup! this is a remix of an old mod by kolgrim, & feel free to mix it even better!!!! :) s0te drops til>>>>>>> hainz mariuz, danny, oskar,ex-kong olav, (h)elg(e),mine s0te kontakter,mine to ben som alltid gaar hvor jeg vil (takk!),kua, alle legomenn,havard, mats,riber,rudolf,m0, jesus og mormor and da eight kidz!!..!!.. naa er det h0st, og det blaaser ute...... kaldt regn vind m0rkt fj0snisse prods '94!!
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