- Ethereal Sundown - (mre-hcgc.xm)
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- Hallucinogenic - - Sundown - <<<<<<<<=>>>>>>>> By Mister_E of - AudioStorm - + OutBurst Group + = Neuro = track date: 22/09/99 Style: Goa/Psytrance ******************* yes, this is my first attempt at psytrance, at least the first one I think suceeded :-) Very grim and dark, I suppose that is the way of goa. And for the first time ever, I didn't feel the need to fill in chords and strings...I take it that was what kept this as a goa track... Any and all feedback is WELCOME at: Mister_E_666 (at) get2net.dk or hotmail.com If you want to try and catch me on ICQ, my UIN is 36085200 Greets go to: I-Motion, Stagger and Neophyte of AudioStorm Acid Bee, Factor, Diablo and DJ Arsenic of Outburst Group - Jack The Tripper, CryoGenic and Om3ga of NEURO... Psylent Buddhi of Stargaze, Trancemitter Merlin/Andenoid, Westis & Spoiler/DCT2 Squid303/Hipe, O.G., Noshit(Plasm) and all Others=) (Off scene) Lord Soth.Acidman.Guru Raistlin (I don't know if you like the track, but at least I hope you'll like the Vocal sample! =) LadyLuck, Pazuzu, Moholobum, and all else on my ICQ list as well, I cannot no matter how much I'd like to, write in you all =) ====================== The title, and in par- ticular, the voice smp refers to a Fantasy book in the Dragon- Lance series, I think it's from DL Legends.. One of the main charac ters describes this quasireal hell, called the abyss, and as he desribes this eerie place, he tells that the lighting was very strange: "Almost as if the sun had just set" And I think this is al so good for describing this state of mind, when you've just awa- kend from a bad dream, and all around you feel like it's not real...When You look inside yourself, and all that remains is these feelings that you're still dreaming, even though you're still dreaming... ********************** Anyway...Time to move on, time to be gone... *fades into the light* (MISTER^E) (that is a "hat" (french thingie called circonflex, if I got it right, the thing after R...FT2 can't show it correctly =) ...Oh, and a special hello would go to O.G. - Thanks for the feedback on DTTA 3 - I am glad to hear comments on my trax, and even more when people write good things =) Should you like this track, please mail me and I can mail uoi you my URL list with links to my other trax styles include: trance (all sorts), D'n'B and much more! -Mister_E Lead bass by Psylent Buddhi of Stargaze . Angel Breath by Kuno . Bass Drum by Mister_E . K3O3.awex.sbass . 909 closed hihat . 909 Open Hihat . Kick Open Hihat By Sonic/Dental . Boom intro sound by I-Motion of AudioStorm . SWEEP1.WAV By Acid Bee/OBG . _ heatseeker . "It was as if the sun had just set" Vocal by Mister_E (yes, that IS me =) Edited, noisereduced and reverberated in Cool Edit . Reversed 909 Crash . 909 kick snare? . 909 short clap? . Acid sweep by Elastic . Space intro sound, I think it's from a track by Cosmos . Filter Sweep from a track by Psylent Buddhi of Stargaze . Sample by Galmann . Machine 2 Sampled by Heatseeker From "Amused To Death" Album by Roger Waters .
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