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The mind's recesses (mre-mind.xm)

Info Summary

  • mre-mind.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 708.62KB in size and has been downloaded 3663 times since Mon 28th Jun 1999 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 999
  • Downloads: 3663
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 2677942d3b21c31601b0fc1fd731780f
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 20
  • Uncompressed Size: 708.62KB
  • Genre: n/a

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Info Internal Texts *

     (Set me free)
By Mister_E of Audio-
Storm and Outburst.
-Damn, Acid Bee beat
be to it and managed
to release two tracks
on Outburst before I
got my first Outburst
track off ground!
oh well, he had a head
start, so it dosen't
count anyway ;-)
Anyways, Outburst
is a new demogroup
consisting of
Mister_E, Acid Bee
And Factor...
Greets to you guys!
and of course, greets
in equal degree to all
of AudioStorm, being
I-Motion, Stagger and
Neolyte! Lots of more
greets will come L8r
in the text,dont worry
but for now, here is a
little bit of info on
the track & composer:
I made this the evenin
of the 27.th of june,
1999. This is as close
to my one-year tracker
anniversary as it gets
so this is my own B-
day track. Happy Birth
day to me as a tracker
and um...well err...
This started out as a
hardtrance track, but
ended up as some
regular upbeat trance
track. A bit harder
than my average style,
but I kinda like it
like this :-)
The laugh and the mood
string added a psycho-
logial element to the
track, an element that
I kinda like, and as
such, this is one of
my better themic trax.
There might be a
sequel to this, but
I haven't had much in-
spiration lately, only
been doing some rmxes
and stuff. I hope this
will be the turning ->
And now for what you
all've been waiting 4:
Greets 2:All of Audio-
Storm and Outburst.
Jack The Tripper.
Westis & Spoiler/DCT2.
Acidman.LorD Soth.
sirk.Angel Boy.Heart-
Spark.Zapper (yeah U!)
Embrace. Kate.
And all on undernet
#trackers, #Genesis309
#dowhachalike and
werever I spend my
time :-)
Feedback should be
adressed to either:
get2net.dk      or
There are probably
someone I forgot to
greet...Excuse my
forgetfulness, but
right now I am too
tired to think up all
those deserving a pat
on the back...
But for now...
Mister_E/AS & OTB
Signing off...
I look at the dawning
in the east. I see the
first rays of sun,
gently caressing the
dark sky, tearing away
the veil of night.
And then, just then, I
wish nothing more than
just to fade into
the light, like the
dewdrops that vanish
at the fiery caress of
the sun...And I wish
nothing but to share
this moment with you,
the dawning of a new
time...Our time.
United in passion.
the 28.th of june 1999
Sample by Westis/DCT2
pad...I think this is
by Westis as well
Deep Synth sound
by Psycho/TBL
Orchestral Hit rev
and ping pong looped
Breath vox by
Gronda Gronda
Filter 1/4
Filter 2/4
Filter 3/4
Filter 4/4
tm of RandomAPB
I think, thanks :-)
This sample is from
Final Reality by
Teque/Trauma, and
this sample, it seems,
is from Purple MOtion'
Hard Drive
A techno string,
unknown source
Goabass from
Bowglass pingpong
looped and enveloped
and sampled and what-
ever by me from my
AWE 32
Reverberated Clap
by B0B/Atomic
Acid beep by Kuno
Angel Breath by Kuno
Some beat, parts of
it reversed by me
Acid Sweep by Elastic
from an unknown source
BASSdrum by
Gronda Gronda
Some elec-hihat
unknown source
Where is this from?
It might be from
Twilight Trance track,
but I'm not all sure
Mood string.
Unknown source

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
