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Phases of Love (phazes.xm)

Info Summary

  • phazes.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 356.93KB in size and has been downloaded 5823 times since Sun 14th Feb 1999 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 1131
  • Downloads: 5823
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 9504b87fd397546adbf1bbcfa025da1f
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 16
  • Uncompressed Size: 356.93KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License


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  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Info Internal Texts *

Splif Drum 1/2
Splif Drum 2/2
smp tm, Gronda Gronda
Whose  smp is this?
Some Slap-bass
Acc.bass Gus patch
Tm _ddi_b0y/TBL
Splif again ?!
Splif wow-wow
[yes - empty]
Splif Prods/Puzzle
Smp by Hunden!
Same here, thanX! :-)
All of these
Samples were from
Splif Prods
"Hey-skat" competition
Tune... at the Party95
So Greets go to him...
So, one day I sat down
and thought to myself:
I feel like making a
breakbeat track...
And what started as
just one pattern made
Just before I went to
bed, to this final
result, around 5 hours
of tracking later,
I'm pretty satisfied
with it...This is my
only second D&B track
outside of my Substep
series...(part I, III,
IV!) - The other
is my remix of an old
tune I've made...
Angel In My Mind...
Anyway, I think that
the string arrangement
turned out well, and I
Guess that the most
important thing is
that I liked  making
the track...If anybody
Else like it too, GOOD
since I would like to
have some feedback
on this track...
Made on the 9/10.02.99
By Mister_E/NTP
Shouts go to: Empaler/
Ntp, Mr.Miyagi, Mamuts
and everybody else _
NTP... :-) + All _ DSD
Comments?  Mister_E_
666_hotmail.com  -->
Write if you'd want us
to consider including
you as a chapter in
the N T P legend...:-)
Or write with any and
all feedback, exchange
of mods, samps, friend
ship, whatever -
you know the addy...
This happy D&B track
was somewhat inspired
by the mood of my
dreams...I'll finish
off with a quote from
DJ 360:   --->
"And her tears dropped
like beats"...

Still reading, or
looking for samps???

Give it up, and enjoy
the track instead!

Well, it's kinda nice
That there's so much
space to write bull-
SH*T in, heh! ;-)
Oh well, gotta go...

Are you still reading?

Wow...I'm impressed...

If you read this,
You're Really persis-
tant in finding samps;
Sorry, buddy, but
there're no more! :-)

at The Party V.


* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
