1995: The Rift (1995_the_rift.mod)
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By Simon of Trideja (Release Version) This may not be *pure* techno, but it's still pretty good! This mod was made in honour of u4ia,who finished his last MOD, 1994. This MOD is 98% original.. Aside from the first part which is lightly based upon a MIDI track Ryan of Trideja wrote for the first grad (1995) of Westview Scl. Anyways good luck in the future u4ia (If you ever read this). Greetz: Euphonix, MiSTiGRiS, and all! Sorry, theres no room In this MOD for a text file.. I used them all for samples! (odd? naw.) Enjoy the tune! MOD Finished: July 8, 1995! -END :> ;>
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