A bite before I go (a_bite_before_i_go.xm)
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A Bite Before I go by aMUSiC/Analogue Composed for the Analogue Chipcompo #2 If you wonder about the title.. well I finished this 15 mins before I left for a trip, and while my folks where yelling at me to go eat!!!! So this is it!!.. A bite before I went away for vacation Hurraaa!! Analogue R U L E Z.. Eh yeah.. I'm sooo happy and joy for leaving the city!! (at least for 4 days!) aMUSiC _ 10-Jul-97 Analogue Chip Compo # Sample Pack Samples taken from Hunz, Necros, Pinion Beek and Mind Bender Saved in pseudo-s3m format to keep 16-bit samples intact.
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