Meshmuka by Cairbre (meshmuka.xm)
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Fast Music Compo ASM05 written by Cairbre
Bassdrum_909 Bassdrum_ac Conga_mute Conga_slap Cymbal_ride Cymbal_crash Hihat_closed Hihat_open Snare_909 Snare_ac Long distorted scream Dist_drum1 Dist_drum2 Dist_drum3 Nitro_Inhales dial nanobass String_high String_ambient String_low seq_135 Rezo Bell_dx-27 flute_dx-27 Guitar1 Guitar2 Guitar3 Guitar4_seq Sharp_lead Tense_x5 Lead_x5 Metal-hit_x5 sharp_lead_x5 rez1 rez2 rez3 rez4 weirdo Cymbal.wav Dist1.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Check this musician out if you like those more extreme sounds with a proper sense of melody. This has only a small fracture of the artist's skills used, with that balancing alternative atmosphere. There is no clipping found in the sound, the main element to rate it above the neutral. To change it or not... :|