Star Trek Nation (star_trek_nation.xm)
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Hyperextorsion for the kombo label _ 1998 "Star Trek Nation" Heavily inspired by Hyperunknowns mix of Tranzer's "the secrets of spaze" Composed in a rainy summer in sweden. "Trance, let your body flow. Feel the rythm and energy by wich it pumps and makes your whole mind rise up onto total selfcontrole." contact me at: love.thyresson Homepages at: httt:/ /hyperextorsion/ Kombo label homepage at: Greets follows: ragoon, djzip, aeon-x maim, brass-monkey drublic, hyperunknown maralek, megawurm synergy, cris, parity haddock, flexor, inm inkk, deezack, ezy dbn, zeromous, dj_who all people in #trax all people in #seed all people in #sweart all people in #plf all ppl in #karlstad and this is of course efnet power. Find me on efnet as hyper- . Add me to your lists! ICQ UIN : 1993847 EGN ID : 29671 Stay tuned for more great releases from your favourite label! "The power of trance" (c) Hyperextorsion (c) FileName: Hx-star.XM Duration: 4:12 Size: 2924589 bytes Patterns : 35 Released: 19July98 cleankick string Ana.wav smp by Quazar Z1-5-17.wav HyperUnknown's (Roland D-50) hyperunknown HyperUnknown's CymRev00.iff smp by daru Hyperextorsion's 1998-06-22 Hyperextorsion's 1998-06-22 Hyperextorsion's 1998-06-22 Hyperextorsion's 1998-06-22 Hyperextorsion's 1998-06-22 Hyperextorsion's 1998-06-22 Hyperextorsion's 1998-06-22 smp by Quazar smp by Quazar smp by Quazar smp by Quazar ttr_881 smp by Quazar smp by Quazar Z1-5-17.wav HyperUnknown's (Roland D-50) hyperunknown HyperUnknown's HyperUnknown's (Roland D-50) hyperunknown HyperUnknown's Oohh.wav reverbed in Soundforge 4.0 ( "Cathedral" ) HyperUnknown's (was 16-bit) hyper HyperUnknown's Oohh.wav reverbed in Soundforge 4.0 ( "Cathedral" )
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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