When birds fall... (when_birds_fall.xm)
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Violin HiStrings.HiQual Nice Guitar Long Nice Guitarr Short Chorus Long Warm Bass Warm Organ Igor"CimicIgor"Damiani basis Munspel Crasch Bd07 Kant Slag D-10 Open Hi Hat 80's Toms Cymbal Fade Midi Clarinette Hammond Organ HiStrings.HiQual 3c_long.wav 3c_short.wav 5c_long.wav 2_g.wav Accorg.wav Basis.smp Mouthor3.wav Bd07.smp D-10-sd.smp Clarinet X3hammd2.wav
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My #1 favourite track from Cyn. The main melody is heavily complemented by the guitar and organ. Every time I get a bittersweet feeling from listening to this melancholic piece. Cyn really knew his way with the melodies. Simply incredible