OFT 3 version 2.6 (oft_3_version_2_6.xm)
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---------------------- OffTranceTechno 3 ---------------------- 25.07.96 by Jazz/PM&SCX&Blasm aka Christian Steen Jensen Made for the Summer Encounter 96 music- compo.... Maybe this is a bit to weird ? All samples except the 303 acid-liner, the percussion-beat and the hard bassdrum are programmed by me. I'm sorry that I cant remember where I got the samples from... Especially when I personally HATE when people rip-off my home-programmed without asking/greetng Equipment used: Roland JD-800 (again:) Roland MC-303 (new) Roland XP-50 (Jones) Boss OS2 (for making some 303) Contact Persuasive M. Christian Steen Jensen Broenshulevej 7 3480 Fredensborg Denmark or call : +45 48476340 LFO-Cutter Prog. on JD-800 Sinus Bass Prog. on JD-800 Choir Prog. on JD-800 Chord 1 Prog. on JD-800 303 Acid liner Ripped :( Technobass Prog. on JD-800 Drumbeat Sampled from 'Professional music producer 1' Percussionbeat Stolen by Triple-X Bo-boing 1 Prog. on JD-800 Bo-Boing 2 Prog. on JD-800 Ride cymbal 1 From Roland MC303 Ride cymbal 2 From Roland MC303 Crash cymbal From Roland MC303 Bassdrum Sampled from Children Poor little girl Sampled from 'Rescue 911' :-) Snaredrum From Roland MC303 Clap From Roland MC303 Hard bassdrum Stolen :( 808 Hihat1 From a samplepack by Resound 808 Hihat2 From a samplepack By Resound Open hihat From Roland MC303 Synthsequence 1 Prog. on JD-800 Synthsequence 2 Prog. on JD-800 Synthsequence 3 Prog. on JD-800 303 Hard sequence Prog. on JD-800 303 hard short Prog. on JD-800 Synthbass Prog. on JD-800 Synthlead Prog. on JD-800 Woing 1 From Roland XP50 Woing 2 From Roland XP50 Histring Prog. on JD-800 I'm trying to get .... Sampled from a CD 303 hard 2 Prog. on JD-800 303 sequence 2 Prog. on MC-303
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