No Good ('96-Remix) (no_good_96-remix.xm)
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No Good - Vocals No Good - Break No Good - Chord1 No Good - Chord2 No Good - Chord3 No Good - Ending No Good - ViolentStrng DisputeBass BassDrum OpenHihat ClosedHihat Clap OldSchoolBeatLoop1 OldSchoolBeatLoop2 Crash ReversedSnare HappyHardCorePiano NewStyleDigDug HardCoreSnare TechnoString FingerSnip TR303modulation HouseDeepOrgan No Good (Start The Dance) original (c) 1994 The Prodigy. XL recs. '96-XM remix (c) 1996 Heretic .. Destiny respect due: keith3o3.dac.madmax thunderbass.morphine and of course all destiny members... some special greetz to sonic and dynamix/ destiny. you guys deserve more respect! the peric: toch weer 6e op X he? eikel :) silk: you mean you're actually still alive? lucid space, what? :) demoralize: was ik je toch ff vergeten in duck.3ds, sorry :( slackjaw: =babylon zoo= leeft! keep up the good work mate.. if you guys feel the urge to contact me, drop a line at the e-mail addres below, or, for those without an e-mail address, just snail-mail me: roel 'heretic' v. dyk beatrixlaan 19 2361 se warmond holland. remixing. it may be lame. it may be simple. it may be .. but I sure love it.. heretic of destiny <sigh> (some sample credz to the composers who are mentioned in the *instrument* names.. FT2 !!!) thnx to dynamix for some last-minute comments.. playing time : 5:27 _'96 warmond/holland Start The Dance. sample by Heretic Start The Dance. sample by Heretic Start The Dance. sample by Heretic Start The Dance. sample by Heretic Start The Dance. sample by Heretic Start The Dance. sample by Heretic Start The Dance. sample by Heretic Start The Dance. sample by Keith3O3 Start The Dance. sample by Heretic Start The Dance. sample by Radical Rhythms Start The Dance. sample by Radical Rhythms Start The Dance. sample by Radical Rhythms Start The Dance. sample by Clawz /Complex Start The Dance. sample by Zulu& Grey/Rebels Start The Dance. sample by Radical Rhythms Start The Dance. sample by ?? (anonymous MOD) Start The Dance. sample by Jazz Start The Dance. sample by Gizmo Start The Dance. sample by The Source Start The Dance. sample by Prism /EMF&Plant Start The Dance. sample by Silent ~~ Mode Start The Dance. sample by Keith3O3 Start The Dance. sample by Keith3O3
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