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Christmas Remix '98 (christmas_remix_98.xm)

Info Summary

  • christmas_remix_98.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 684.90KB in size and has been downloaded 1468 times since Tue 20th Sep 2005 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 142444
  • Downloads: 1468
  • Favourited: 5 times
  • MD5: 95f9c3e38917365c00246521287d4ade
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 24
  • Uncompressed Size: 684.90KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License


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  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Info Internal Texts *

 "Christmas Remix '98"

  assembled, tracked
     and produced by

Ville "CyberZip" Koski

       23 Dec 1998

Ah! Already time for
the annual Xmas Remix
eh? This year it's a
shorter one, with two
songs -
 1.  Here Comes
           Santa Claus
 2. Santa Claus Is
       Coming To Town

...but hopefully it
will be enough to put
you in a xmas mood!
      Playtime: 2'50"

Since the theme this
year is that Santa
really IS coming to
town, I can assure you
that Santa is going
to pay the following
persons a visit...

Emma - Santa just
couldn't pass a
wonderful girl like
you! :o)

Psychad - A great
friend like you can't
ever be forgotten!

Zillion - Santa's
dropping you a cell-
phone at last, that's
for sure!

Pooky - Crazier ideas
are hard to find - ya
go Greek grrl!

Ufool - Santa's givin'
ya that EX5, yes? ;-)

HaCKA - Even if I
tried, I couldn't find
a truer follower of
the Xmas Remix
series! Thanx dude! ;)

Kyle - Santa WILL be
bringing you stuff,but
maybe just a little
bit late... ;-)

Ploffer - If I could
decide, Santa'd give
you success in
Germany, but it looks
like you're gettin' at
it anyway! Congrats!

Velociraptor - A new
Fender ought to be
nice, yes? ;)

Mr.Joy - Santa was
feeling good when he
gave ME such a nice
fan in Russia!!

Mysterium and the
Nebula-gang - Thanks
for a great year, with
a fantastic work on
Trax In Space, the now
superior tracker site
out there!

To #trax, all sceners
and scene-consumers
worldwide - Merry
Christmas and a Happy
New Year!

A big thanks to all
of you who have
visited my website and
listened to my songs -
your feedback really
makes it worthwhile!

1998 was a really nice
year for me, and '99
has endless
possibilities to
become even better,
so watch out! ;)

Reach my place on
the net at:

...and mail me at:

         See ya'll in

           1 9 9 9 !

Ville "CyberZip" Koski
Pop Snare

 -- xmas_1.xi --
 size: 73 K
 loop: none
 type: shaker wet

 (c) 1998 MAZ

 'no.1 instruments'


Voices 15
Octave 1
Octave 2

60CLAP1           R

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
