moonelf fallen angel (moonelf_fallen_angel.xm)
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MOON ELF / ALPHA TEAM *** the Fallen Angel *** This is my entry for ALPHA TEAM fantasy & folk music compo #1 2001. credits for KAMI from #huussi for the song name, thanks :) Greetings y'all ALPHA TEAM members: KaBoomer!!! Mr. Spike AceCream Aerodome Nighbeat Aragom other people: ari kantola, kalle jokinen, heikki ahlgren, johannes lindh, kimmo kaukonen, spastikwax members, anders akerheden, z80pio write me to: Moon Elf is a flamingo side project.
MightyVox Pad ( ΒΆ Piccolo Harmonica Side Stick (Jazz) Taiko Brightness Acoustic Bs. hhd1snr06 hitbass1_c3 Nylon-str.Gt Piano 3 Contrabass MightyVox Pad ( Piccolo Piccolo Piccolo Harmonica Harmonica Harmonica Harmonica Harmonica Harmonica Jazz Taiko Brightness Brightness Acoustic Bs. Acoustic Bs. Acoustic Bs. Acoustic Bs. Acoustic Bs. Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Piano 3 Piano 3 Piano 3 Piano 3 Piano 3 Piano 3 Piano 3 Piano 3 Piano 3 Piano 3 Contrabass Contrabass Contrabass Contrabass Contrabass Contrabass Contrabass Contrabass
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