--:LAWS OF NATURE:-- (laws_of_nature.xm)
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~:: LAWS of NATURE :: ~~~~by MoonStone ~ released under chill ~~(C) Copyright 1997 ~~All rights reserved come CHiLL with us: http://www.bentdesign .com/chill or chill with just me by adding /moonstone to the above URL =) me mailbox: dm96221_ ~~~~~dec51b.tietgen.dk me track time: 5:30 or so ... Hear da music.vox Moya Ruskin.vox Snare.doped Roll.doped bass.prodigy Slowbeat.bd cypressloop.clean slowbeat.snare Waterworld fuckhard.loopah fuckhard.snare fuckhard.rimstick downtime.bd suckup.bass chord1 chord2
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
If Moonstone put out an album, I'd be the first to buy it. However, though this track is as fun as jungle can be (that's what this is, right? Or is it breakbeat?), something feels imbalanced, but I'm not sure what.