Mellow Thang (mellow_thang.xm)
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" MELLOW THANG " by MoonStone /chill productions ~~(C) Copyright 1996 ~~All rights reserved FROM THE ViRTUAL ALBUM " PROTOTYPE " R.Schultz Enrumvej 9 5270 Odense N Denmark dm96221_ Chill productions -------------------- /chill email and ftp: see info.txt "Bottle" from GUS MAX patch set. "Slow Strings" from GUS-MAX patch-set. DupBass taken from a track by Don Rico & Richard Kiss. "Stick 909" from my trusty old Amiga sample collection =) "Classic Snare" from my personal collection. Who cares where this closed hihat came from .. ??? "Open Hi" from a TR-909 machine. "Splash" from a TR-909 machine. "Bass Kick" taken from some track on the net... "Dune Synth" sampled by NeoFrogg ! Thanks dude =) "Nice Clean Clap" from some crap track on the net... "Horny Bitch" from one of my sample CD's... "Acid Snarrl" synthesized with my program called Acid Devil !!! Drew this little loop in hand, with FT2.... "Smack Pack Bd" from my personal hardcore repetoire! "Piano Sample" from a multisample i found somewhere...
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
I've finally found this underrated, sexy gem after looking through my old module backup! Pretty good quality, and Oh Such Wonderful DELIGHT!!! 9/10 for somewhat hazy sample quality.