Discovering paradise (discovering_paradise.xm)
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>>>> -Dreamed by- <<<< TNK / Realtech^Dz^Caf. 4 Da Painless mcompo ! Big big kisses go to : <-CORINNE and MURIEL-> This module is the sequel 2 "Lightflower" Greets --> Maf, CyberZip, Edyx, Synergy, Redt()mat0, Tw&Ph&Eag, TSK, QSB, Falcon, Pollux, Mythos &Scarfman, Swallow& Illusion, Wain, g00n, Angel, kynes, Kharn,.. Contact me !! I do not bite !!!! but how ??? Try these : e-mail : philmeis_mail. s-mail Philippe Meisburger 44 Rue de Huningue 68128 Village-Neuf France Natural dream strikes back !!! I really love that style because it makes me feel like if I were on some distant tropical island :) I finished this mod while the movie "Mutiny on the bounty" (With Mel Gibson) Was Running on M6, this maybe explains the title (And the motion picture soundtrack by Vangelis has 4 sure inspired me a bit in the creation process of thix .XM) It's weird, but since I live in my own flat (Bcos of my studies) I got quite used to write mods while watching TV. But with all this, my f*****g S4 TP does not go forward, and I must finish this *%%&( of s5creat(); function for Thursday and it would really be a miracle if I manage 2 do this !!!! So stop writing these long bullshit and go on working !!! ...But I am soo lazy ! The deadlines 4 these functions are much 2 early !!!! But who cares about my existential problems ??? Nobody !!! Anyway, I'll have 2 spend one more white night in front of VI trying to make these functions work, whereas all my body tells me 2 to sleep... fortunately I have a big cup of coffee that raises my chances 2 stay awake from 0% to ...not much more... Duration --> 4:37 TNK__________4/11/1997 S5OPEN SUCKS S5READ SUXX S5LSEEK SUXX S5WRITE SUXX S5CLOSE SUXX S5CREAT SUXX even more et rattraper les cours du 11 novembre suxx encore plus !!!!!!!!!! Nan mais, depuis quand qu'on rattrape les jours ferries ? Keskon attend pour se fouttre en greve comme les routiers ??? IUTiens, IUTiennes (Euh...) Il faut faire la re-vo-lu -tion !!!! exigons le remplacement de l'UV G4 par une UV Q4 de quake team fortress en reseau !!! Robertmeisprods '97 x3.Beachwind By Ryan Cramer Iguana/Renaissance From his Korg X3 Korg X5 - Fantasia Sampled by Tnk & Maf 2 samples set ! Korg X5 "Analogist" (Extrait) Sampled by Tnk & Maf Picollo (left) Sampled from Gem S2 (By Tnk) Picollo (right) Sampled from Gem S2 (By Tnk) Picollo (middle) Sampled from Gem S2 (By Tnk) Audio-CD "Marecages du soir" Sampled by Tnk Audio-CD "Loriot cry" Sampled by Tnk (Euh...chez pas si les loriots sifflent comme ca...!) Roland juno 106 rez Sample pack Audio-CD "Dream bassdrum" Sampled by Tnk Audio-CD "Dream bass" Sampled by Tnk Audio-CD "Dream piano" Sampled by Tnk Gem S2 "Bongo" Sampled by Tnk Gem S2 "Conga" Sampled by Tnk Korg X5 "Panflute" Sampled by Tnk & Maf Sinus Sampled from Gem S2 By Tnk
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Airy dream trance, as refreshing as a breeze and as soft as a cotton ball. 9/10 because something sounds muddy.