emerald (emerald.xm)
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composed by zabutom sunday 31 december 2000, This will be the last tune i'm making this year, and i want to dedicate this especially to Lei-li Also big thanks to: datachild, m0dium, xzipolito and lithal . . . . This year has been special, i finally began tracking 'for real' and entered the 'scene'. Ive made many tunes i'm statisfied with and learnt alot about tracking. I also met some new friends. i want to say hi to: SAE, Fadeout, Arc fms, polardark, luxur, arachno, beldoroon, auricom, crenton, gleb, chamntl, all the nice ppl in #trax, the ones i forgot (sorry)
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This song is on the more dramatic side of things, but it's something that I enjoy listening to. Not to mention that it's solidly made.